Why Voting for Kamala Harris or Donald Trump is Evil

The lesser of two evils

Shannon Piérre
4 min readAug 19, 2024
mountain on fire with orange flames and smoke and reflection overlooking water
Photo by Frank Cone on Pexels

For as long as I can remember, the choice between presidential candidates has been presented as the lesser of two evils.

The lesser of two evils means that neither candidate is particularly desirable.

In fact, if given the choice, many people would opt for someone else.

Yet here, in the United States, voters choose the least offensive option.

In 2024, like the elections before, Americans will once again have the difficult decision of voting for evil.


Because instead of uniting in commonalities, of which there are many, voters separate along invisible yet seemingly impenetrable lines.

Pro-choice, pro-gun, pro-war.

This happens by design.

Divide and conquer is one of the oldest strategies in the book.

It is easier to control people this way.

Why Choose Evil?

When Bob and Joe are busy arguing about gun rights, their emotional state divorces them from logic and reality.

And if you add a healthy dose of name-calling, things between Bob and Joe can get downright nasty.



Shannon Piérre

Spiritual being who chose a human experience. Please subscribe to my Substack : https://substack.com/@shanecdote