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All about Samhain, the Inspiration for Halloween
It has nothing to do with demon worship
I celebrate Samhain as a person with Irish ancestry who had many relatives come to the USA during the Great Potato Famine. I feel deeply connected with my Irish ancestors when I engage in these celebrations on the most spiritual night of the year.
Celtic Origins of Samhain
Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) is a holiday with Celtic origins, the Celts lived in modern-day Ireland, Scotland, and northern England. Before delving in, it is important to note that the origins of Samhain are blurry; the Roman Empire took over in 43 A.D and Celtic and Roman traditions melded. While Romans shared history through writing, Celts, notably Druids (religious and spiritual leaders,) spread history through spoken word.
Four ancient Celtic holidays align with the changing of seasons. These holidays are called Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Celtic people divided the year into a light half, and a dark half; the former ushered in with Beltane (May Day), and the latter guided in with Samhain. Samhain translates into summer’s end and is regarded similarly…