The Best Response to Israel’s Terrorist Attack?

Stop the war.

Shannon Piérre
2 min readOct 20, 2023
peaceful children yoga
Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels

The solution to innocent deaths is not more innocent deaths.

You remember the drill.

9/11. Osama Bin Laden. Afghanistan.

Saddam Hussein. Weapons of mass destruction.Invasion of Iraq.

The antecedents were different.

The results?

Two decade-long wars cost trillions of dollars. Those trillions of dollars could have solved world hunger 1000s of times, forever, which, of course, would be unnecessary.

All that, and the world accomplished a whopping nothing.

Well, we did further destabilize the Middle East. We also killed millions of innocent people, decimating populations for absolutely no reason.

And by we, I don’t mean myself. I mean the country I live in, a fading hegemony, seemingly salivating at the opportunity for another war.


Hamas invades Israel.

The world is outraged. Rightfully so.

The solution?

Bomb Gaza.

Collective punishment, as some might call it. Bomb the living hell out of land while removing access to…



Shannon Piérre

Spiritual being who chose a human experience. Please subscribe to my Substack :